Why global companies should use Brazilian travel tech for traveling in Brazil?

Discover 5 reasons why your global company should use Brazilian travel tech in Brazil to improve your experience.
travel techs brasileiras

Commonly, big companies have offices all over the world. In a global scenario, all companies that want their business to improve have to invest in other countries besides their head office. 

Therefore, it’s very common for American, European, or Asian companies to have branch offices in Brazil. Here in Brazil, as in the whole world, business travel is a major concern to raise their business potential in meetings, conferences, or fairs. Data from the Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) prove it: 85% of business travelers stated that they need to travel to accomplish their business goals

Despite that, the Brazilian business travel market is very particular in comparison to other countries. For instance, a Brazilian company knows how to require the best offer from a booking agency by negotiating the price in a very special way. 

In fact, knowing how the travel market works in Brazil is very relevant to the success of a travel business. For this reason, we wrote this article to explain why your global company should use Brazilian travel tech for traveling in Brazil. 

Why your company should use a Brazilian travel tech in Brazil? 

Geographic location

What do you think is easier: to book travel and give support overseas or in the same country where you are going to travel? That’s no doubt that the geographic location of your travel tech solution influences the success of your business traveling. 

If traveling in Brazil is important to your company’s results, you had better use a Brazilian travel tech to improve your traveling and expense management process. No one knows so far the best quality inventory than a Brazilian company. 

Maybe when you book a hotel for your travel to Brazil, without consulting, you can wonder if this accommodation is in a good location… But, the answer is not so simple. It’s crucial to have an “insider” to explain if it really is a good option or is not. Because in some situations, only Brazilian people know about this place for real and its security.

Agility to solve problems

Using a Brazilian travel tech can increase productivity and user experience. If your employees have any problem with business travel in Brazil, they can go directly to the app (or desktop version) of only one platform to deal with the right person to solve this issue. 

This agility to solve problems raises the traveler experience since you don’t need to get in touch with multiple travel agents. For instance, with Onfly – a Brazilian travel tech – your company can get 24/7 support without stressful experiences.

Close relationship with suppliers

To get you the best price and the best experience, a Brazilian travel tech is the right choice. That’s because a Brazilian solution such as Onfly provides a close relationship with suppliers such as airlines, hotels, car rents, buses, and all services that are needed for a business trip. 

It’s very common that suppliers and travel techs do business every day, and that can help companies run their operations efficiently with savings on travel spend. It can keep the fares and taxes low in a very competitive way.

Expertise on the Brazilian travel market

The travel market in Brazil represents a very complex system, with numerous suppliers that are relevant. Most of them don’t work well with the model of global platforms, which are essentially based on the Global Distribution System (GDS). 

That’s because the GDS charges high fees to connect suppliers all around the world, and this cost is paid by your company, raising the final price. Or even because they aren’t connected with GDS at all, which requires an offline system. 

Brazilian travel techs are ready to serve global companies

In comparison to foreign travel techs, Brazilian companies are ready to deal with the challenges of overseas business. To keep their competitive edge, this kind of T&E solution in Brazil can offer the same range of possibilities as an international one, in addition to all the benefits we saw before. 

For example, Onfly is a Brazilian travel tech company that offers its customers a friendly platform in Portuguese and English (plus more languages getting ready to come). All of your business travel in one place in the language that you need. This innovation makes it easy for global businesses to access the best inventory in Brazil with excellent transport and accommodation options.

A Brazilian travel tech can offer Travel and Expense, plus a corporate credit card, all in one business travel tool. That makes it possible for your company can have full visibility into any business travel happening in real-time to boost employer compliance. 

Extra tip: cost reduction

Besides all those benefits, your global company can save money when it uses a Brazilian Travel and Expense solution. And this is because of the Brazilian Currency. The Brazilian Real can make your investments in travel more affordable against the U.S. dollar, the pound sterling, or even the euro. It’s more saving to invest in your core business than in unnecessary expenses. 

Additionally, you don’t need to pay for multiple solutions to improve your management in Brazil!

You can avoid stitched-together T&E solutions since your company can use an integrated, end-to-end travel, corporate card, and expense management solution. That is a good way to reduce the total cost of business traveling. 

And most importantly: which T&E company should my business use in Brazil? 

After all these reasons, you already know that your global company should use Brazilian travel tech for traveling in Brazil. But, there remains one question: which T&E company should my business use in Brazil? 

In the first place, you must look for an all-in-one company that offers travel and expense management, corporate cards, and complete governance tools. This T&E company must offer an intuitive platform with support 24/7 to be used in case of need.

You should also consider what platform makes it easy to set up policies and completely integrate them into the rest of your tech stack. This integration process is crucial to keep track of your data and info management. 

Your Brazilian Travel & Expense solution must support sustainable travel, with statistics about business travel carbon footprint as well. 

You can find all of this in one Brazilian Travel Tech: that is Onfly. We are a Brazilian T&E company that improves how you do business travel in Brazil. 

To try out Onfly, send us a message:

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Elaine Maciel
Elaine Maciel

Elaine é comunicóloga pela UFSJ e embarcou no desafio de fazer parte do time de comunicação e marketing da Onfly como Analista de Conteúdo. Para conversar com ela, basta enviar um e-mail para [email protected]!